Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Rainbow Trout Experiment & More on BodyWorlds

I've been trying to eat more fish - Omega 3 oils, protein, generally just good for you. But until recently, I haven't been much of a "raw fish" purchaser - mostly breaded (or sushi, but someone else would be preparing it). I bought a large fillet of rainbow trout on Sunday, along with some anchovies and rosemary, and hadn't gotten around to cooking it until yesterday. I knew the rosemary would end up being quite strong compared to the fish, but nothing prepared me for the flavour the anchovies ended up giving the fish! I'm cooking everything on an electric grill (no stove up here in Barrie) so I put the rosemary under the fish, and the anchovies on top, and closed the lid. Well, not necessarily something I'll do again, but not a complete failure. My previous trout-on-the-grill-with-butter was better.

We've just started rehearsals for "all you ever wanted to know about bad theatre", an umbrella title for two Chekhov pieces (Drama & The Evils of Tobacco) and Daniel McIvor's This is a Play. Sasha Lukac is directing (Moliere last year) and we've decided to put all three together into one show, where we slip from one into another.
Sasha, calling me in his bellowing voice, asks me about the BodyWorlds exhibit and what I thought (see below). He's said he felt dirty coming out of the exhibit, which shocked me, since I think of Sasha as a liberal-minded, forward-thinking individual. I never felt as though the display was ART, but simply a scientific exposition. I suddenly felt as though I should not have been there, as though I contibuted to the display. I prefer to think back to the first autopsies, and how doctors were considered butchers. Well, entitlement to opinion.


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