Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Photo shoot, Jann Arden and the Twilight Zone

Been at home, at Serenity, for almost two weeks, working, convalescing, but had to make an overnight trip to Barrie for two seminars. The first week was not particilarly productive, but I had a chance to entertain my parents, my grandmother and my sister, her husband and their three kids - all on the same night! I did a ham, something I'm quite good at, Mom brought chocolate mousse (awesome! as always), Sammy brought a great salad, and we did mashed potatoes and roasted beets and yams. A very earthy, homestyle dinner, warm and comforting. Lily and Max also had their first birthdays! I'm amazed at how dis-similar the twins have become - their personalities are strong already (no, not in our family?!). Had an opportunity to hang out with Pam as well, which was very healthy and enlightening.

Was at the library to pick up the Emily of New Moon series, and decided to check out the CD collection (NOTL library - not extensive), came across two Jann Arden CD's I've never heard, one with the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra, and a four CD collection of music from the Twilight Zone. Scott, you'll be interested to know I can't get enough of Jann, including her standup between songs. There are even certain songs which pull me away from what I'm doing, and especially now with my emotions all raw.
I had just watched Dial 'M' in St. Jacobs, and watch Vertigo on video. Imagine my surprize when music hinting at both starts piping through the stereo. Bernard Herrmann wrote for Alfred Hitchcock quite often, a genuinely gifted pairing. The music from the Twilight Zone covers four seasons, with a unusual collection of styles. If you get a chance, borrow it or buy it.

Three photos from the photo shoot - I had no idea the first would end up being so graphic, so Oedipus. The second was an accident, and the third is just saucy - being goofy, naked, being proud of my body. It's an interesting experience having the camera staring at you, forgetting the camera is staring at you. The use of the paint needs to be expanded, and needs to be in a large space - somewhere the paint can be thrown, spattered. This shoot was too controlled, too contained. Perhaps more to come. Patrick's photography website.

Must go, finishing a design today, stuff to do for the Vagina Monologues and back to Barrie for the weekend to tear down a set.

Be naked - we're born that way.

Image hosting by Photobucket


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