Thursday, February 09, 2006

Atlas I am not.

As I was eating lunch today, listening to the CBC as I usually do, the hourly newscast came on, discussing the recent comics which were published, insulting members of the Muslim faith. Since I am a sensitive person, and particularly sensitive right now, I was upset over how easily we make and keep grudges, seeing people as the enemy, hating over the centuries. Religious organizations and faiths of the world encourage their "flock" or "following" to be considerate of everyone, including those who may not agree with particular doctrines or teachings. At what point will we recognize our basic needs are identical, and working toward supporting everyone's needs will satisfy ALL our needs. I know I can't take on such a large problem, but trying to give just a little to everyone can help. Large shoulders, sure. Atlas I am not.

Starting to meditate, trying to focus my mind and clear out the negative, un-necessary thoughts which interfere in daily life, and sometimes become overwhelming. Having just come through a reasonably stressful period (August to December), I'm finding my body is having a hard time coming down from the adrenaline, and sorting out when the time for ME is. I've been enjoying the gym, but a little, judgemental voice breaks in (I have, however, found myself feel good enough about my body to do another nude photo shoot with PRB. I'll post the decent ones soon). Who's voice is that? I've worked hard enough to get where I am, I certainly don't need to berate myself for taking time to NOT work, and simply enjoy something for myself. And I'd rather help my body carry me until I'm 90, rather than impede it by becoming sedentary and loaf-shaped.

Also trying to commit to a book which encourages you to accept yourself as you are, that we are perfect, complete and beautiful right now. There are definitely challenges in that, too. Most men would find it difficult to be honest about ANYTHING they feel. I find I feel too much, too often. Not that it's a bad thing. Letting go of 30-year-old processes is difficult enough. Little steps.

Be here now, in this moment. Don't worry about the things you can't change, or the things that haven't happened, or other people judging. None of that is you. You are you, and you are beautiful.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is brave blogging. Real, bold, exposed - what blogging should be. Thanks for sharing.

9:45 p.m.  

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