Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Our new blanket

I was certainly expecting snow, living here in Barrie, and knew to expect it - but this is incredible! I very briefly felt like a kid in school, knowing I would play for hours outside because the schools would be closed. And for those of you curently in warmer climes, panicking over a mere one inch of snow, that is a picnic table on the deck. And that is the full foot of snow on top of the picnic table.

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Tonight it is clear and cold - one of those nights when the snow sounds like it is breaking under your boot, crystals of ice shimmering in the air.

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One of the "roadways" on the property near the theatre.

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Behind the shrub which is covered in snow is the window to the office I share with our Production Manager, Michelle. With the snow this heavy on the shrub, we no longer have a view of the parking lot (thankfully) - still plenty of light though.

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Not too much else to say. Kind of uninspired with the current show.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great to be able to stay "in touch" with you this way, Michael. The rather impressive snowfall--excellent pics, by the way--got me to thinking (if that isn't too strange a concept in itself). Has it occurred to you that Barrie and bury are homonyms, at least as pronounced by most of us north of the forty-ninth? Now I'll know what people mean if they say they've been Barried.

4:24 p.m.  

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